Keeping 'em interested!
One of the issues I sometimes have with safety training or indeed any training is that it needs to grab your attention and being glib or just plain boring and repetitive isn't enough.This is especially so when the topic/content could be life saving in the short or long term is the case of much safety and hazard analysis training.Why does safety training have to be so uninspiring...?!I dont know how many passively delivered powerpoints are delivered like they are trying to sell coffins to aged pensioners in a nursing go ,pretty dull.Surely we should be seeking feedback and being more relevant in the delivery of such important material.'Creativity' is the key!Learning is another.Why do so many disasterous deliveries of programs have no room to adapt and allow participation and contribution to the understanding of content by their intended market...the inductee or participant?
Heres a few tips;
Prioritise information.
What is essential to know by rote?eg facts,figures,statistics.Rules.
What is essentially a behaviour change?Are there needs for a conceptual(ideas based) understanding that may be learnt/communicated to the participants?
Sharing Knowledge;
Can points be emphasised by listening and dialoguing with particularly knowledgeable storytellers/and or groups...including each others experience?
What are some evaluable measures or outcomes of my success in presenting my info.?
What were some of my original aims.Did I fulfill them?What actions should I take in response to my feedback?What can I 'learn' to improve my communications?
There are many models and ways of doing the above...the point is allow participants to be able to take part in their own learning(at minimum).
Some models;
Remember that we may have all the bells and whistles for training,..but if it does not achieve what it set out to do it is unsuccessful.Bear in mind your market and redesign your sessions based on feedback at all times to make relevant.
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